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At Dissinger’s, quality has been excellent for over 40 years. In this contemporarily furnished shop under the arcades, you can find women’s shoes, boots, sneakers and sandals as well as fashionable, quality (made in Italy), famous designer shoes for men. The polite shop assistants are happy to help customers make their choice.

Comfortable and fashionable - is shopkeeper Klauspeter Dissinger’s footwear philosophy.

Große Lauben 16 . Portici Maggiori, 16
39042 Brixen . Bressanone
T +39 0472 836 375
Öffnungszeiten . Orari di
apertura . opening hours:
Mo–Fr . lun–ven . Mon–Fri:
9.30–19 h
Sa . sab . Sat: 9.30–18 h

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